Thursday, August 27, 2020
Johnnie Johnson - World War 2 Johnnie Johnson
Johnnie Johnson - World War 2 Johnnie Johnson Johnnie Johnson - Early Life Career: Conceived on March 9, 1915, James Edgar Johnnie Johnson was the child of Alfred Johnson, a Leicestershire police officer. An ardent outdoorsman, Johnson was raised locally and gone to Loughborough Grammar School. His vocation at Loughborough reached a sudden conclusion when he was ousted for swimming in the school pool with a young lady. Going to the University of Nottingham, Johnson contemplated structural building and graduated in 1937. The next year he broke his neckline bone while playing for Chingford Rugby Club. In the wake of the injury, the bone was inappropriately set and mended mistakenly. Entering the Military: Having an enthusiasm for flying, Johnson applied for section into the Royal Auxiliary Air Force however was dismissed dependent on his physical issue. Still anxious to serve, he joined the Leicestershire Yeomanry. With strains with Germany expanding in late 1938 because of the Munich Crisis, the Royal Air Force decreased its entrance norms and Johnson had the option to pick up induction into the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve. Subsequent to experiencing fundamental preparing on ends of the week, he was called up in August 1939 and sent to Cambridge for flight preparing. His flying instruction was finished at 7 Operational Training Unit, RAF Hawarden in Wales. The Nagging Injury: Over the span of preparing, Johnson found that his shoulder caused him extraordinary torment while flying. This demonstrated especially evident when flying elite airplane, for example, the Supermarine Spitfire. The injury was additionally exacerbated following an accident during preparing in which Johnsons Spitfire did a ground circle. In spite of the fact that he gave different kinds of cushioning a shot his shoulder, he kept on finding that he would lose feeling in his correct arm while flying. Quickly presented on No. 19 Squadron, he before long got an exchange to No. 616 Squadron at Coltishall. Detailing his shoulder issues to the surgeon he was before long given a decision between reassignment as a preparation pilot or experiencing medical procedure to reset his neckline bone. Promptly deciding on the last mentioned, he was expelled from flight status and sent to the RAF Hospital at Rauceby. Because of this activity, Johnson missed the Battle of Britain. Coming back to No. 616 Squadron in December 1940, he started ordinary flight activities and supported in bringing down a German airplane the next month. Moving with the group to Tangmere in mid 1941, he started to see more activity. A Rising Star: Rapidly substantiating himself a talented pilot, he was welcome to fly in Wing Commander Douglas Baders segment. Picking up understanding, he scored his first murder, a Messerschmitt Bf 109 on June 26. Partaking in the warrior clears over Western Europe that mid year, he was available when Bader was shot down on August 9. Scoring his fifth execute and turning into an expert in September, Johnson got the Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) and made flight officer. Throughout the following a while he kept on performing honorably and earned a bar for his DFC in July 1942. An Established Ace: In August 1942, Johnson got order of No. 610 Squadron and drove it over Dieppe during Operation Jubilee. Over the span of the battling, he brought down a Focke-Wulf Fw 190. Proceeding to add to his aggregate, Johnson was elevated to acting Wing Commander in March 1943 and provided order of the Canadian Wing at Kenley. Regardless of being English-conceived, Johnson immediately picked up the Canadians trust through his initiative noticeable all around. The unit demonstrated particularly powerful under his direction and he actually brought down fourteen German contenders among April and September. For his accomplishments in mid 1943, Johnson got the Distinguish Service Order (DSO) in June. A huge number of extra murders earned him a bar for the DSO that September. Expelled from flight tasks for a half year toward the finish of September, Johnsons all out numbered 25 murders and he held the official position of Squadron Leader. Doled out to No. 11 Group Headquarters, he performed regulatory obligations until March 1944 when he was put in order of No. 144 (RCAF) Wing. Scoring his 28th murder on May 5, he turned into the most noteworthy scoring British expert still effectively flying. Top Scorer: Proceeding to fly through 1944, Johnson continued adding to his count. Scoring his 33rd murder on June 30, he passed Group Captain Adolph Sailor Malan as the top-scoring British pilot against the Luftwaffe. Provided order of No. 127 Wing in August, he brought down two Fw 190s on the 21st. Johnsons last triumph of World War II went ahead September 27 over Nijmegen when he devastated a Bf 109. Over the span of the war, Johnson flew 515 fights and destroyed 34 German airplane. He partook in seven extra murders which added 3.5 to his aggregate. Likewise, he had three probables, ten harmed, and one pulverized on the ground. After war: In the last a long time of the war, his men watched the skies over Kiel and Berlin. With the finish of the contention, Johnson was the RAFs second most noteworthy scoring pilot of the war behind Squadron Leader Marmaduke Pattle who had been killed in 1941. With the finish of the war, Johnson was given a changeless commission in the RAF first as a unit chief and afterward as a wing leader. After assistance at the Central Fighter Establishment, he was sent to the United States to pick up involvement with fly warrior activities. Flying the F-86 Saber and F-80 Shooting Star, he saw administration in the Korean War with the US Air Force. Coming back to the RAF in 1952, he filled in as Air Officer Commanding at RAF Wildenrath in Germany. After two years he started a three-year visit as Deputy Director, Operations at the Air Ministry. After a term as Air Officer Commanding, RAF Cottesmore (1957-1960), he was elevated to air commodore. Elevated to air bad habit marshal in 1963, Johnsons last deployment ready order was as Air Officer Commanding, Air Forces Middle East. Resigning in 1966, Johnson worked in business for the rest of his expert life just as filled in as Deputy Lieutenant for the County of Leicestershire in 1967. Composing a few books about his vocation and flying, Johnson kicked the bucket of malignancy on January 30, 2001. Chosen Sources James Edgar Johnnie JohnsonAir Vice Marshal James Johnnie JohnsonCentury of Flight: Johnnie Johnson
Saturday, August 22, 2020
JFK assassination conspiracy essays
JFK death trick expositions Adolph Hitler, the previous tyrant of Germany, once stated, The greater the falsehood, the more individuals will trust it. con-spir-a-cy (k n-spir - s ) n. Law. An understanding between at least two people to carry out a wrongdoing or to achieve a legitimate reason through illicit activity. On November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas, the President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, was driving in an open, insignificantly secured limousine with his better half and Governor John Connally. The course was initially planned to go straight down Main Street, however a very late course change sent the limousine past the book storehouse, slantingly down Elm Street (Garrison, On the Trail of the Assassins). Discharges rang out, emitting disorder in the Dallas roads. The President was rendered lethally injured and Governor Connally had been harmed. Presently, Lee Harvey Oswald was captured at a nearby film on charges of homicide of the President. He argued and freely voiced his guiltlessness and his solitary job of being a negligible patsy, however he was accepted to be a crazy Marxist who was the ideal contender for the professional killer for the President. A couple of days after the fact, Oswald was gunned somewhere around Jack Ruby, who additionally was later accepted to have relationship with secret, against Communist tasks. Since the homicide of Kennedy and the Warren Commissions examination, numerous hypotheses have created relating to the murderer(s) and basic tricks. Many buy in to the Magic Bullet and single shooter hypothesis, yet proof to vindicate this hypothesis is extremely little and skeptical. The Warren Commission outrightly precluded incredible subtleties that could have prompted hypotheses other than the single-shooter hypothesis that some genius government people place their faith in. A couple of years after the death, New Orleans District Attorney, Jim Garrison, directed an examination trying to both dispose of the sham arrangement put out ... <!
Friday, August 21, 2020
Cannabidiol and Its Effects
Cannabidiol and Its Effects Addiction Drug Use Marijuana Print Cannabidiol and Its Effects By Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhD is a psychologist, professor, and Director of the Centre for Health Leadership and Research at Royal Roads University, Canada. Learn about our editorial policy Elizabeth Hartney, BSc., MSc., MA, PhD Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on May 26, 2019 Khmanglo/Flickr More in Addiction Drug Use Marijuana Cocaine Heroin Meth Ecstasy/MDMA Hallucinogens Opioids Prescription Medications Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery Cannabidiol, or CBD, is an active ingredient in the drug cannabis, also known as marijuana. CBD is the second-most widely recognized element of marijuana, after delta-9-tetrahydrocannibinol, or THC. Marijuana contains over 400 different active substances, with THC and CBD being just two of its 60 different cannabinoid molecules. Effects of Cannabidiol There is increasing evidence that CBD may have potential therapeutic benefits, including anticonvulsive, sedative, hypnotic, antipsychotic, and neuroprotective properties. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect, which in animal studies has been found to be several hundred times that of aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid). Because CBD produces its biological effects without acting significantly on the brains cannabinoid receptors, it does not cause the unwanted psychotropic effects that are characteristic of other marijuana derivatives. This gives it a potentiallly high potential to be used in the development of various forms of medical marijuana. A study comparing THC with CBD showed that some of the unpleasant aspects of the marijuana high, such as anxiety and paranoia, appear to be caused by THC, and alleviated by CBD. Although complex, studies have shown some neuroprotective effects of CBD. Research comparing the brains of chronic marijuana smokers and the amount of THC and CBD on hair samples indicated that, while THC appears to have a neurotoxic effect, diminishing grey matter in areas of the brain, CBD appears to have a neuroprotective effect on the same areas of the brain. Another study looking at the effects of various drugs on the development of dementia showed that CBD may have some positive effects, including the reduction of symptoms of psychosis in people with Parkinsons Disease. However, it is too early to say whether CBD could be used to prevent dementia, a condition which the medical system is struggling to cope with as it is reaching epidemic proportions among the aging population. There is also some research to suggest that CBD may reduce symptoms of psychosis in people with Parkinsons disease. Amount of Cannabidiol in Cannabis Despite the current view that CBD appears to be both a positive agent in and of itself and a potential modifier of some of the negative aspects of THC, reports of how the constituents of cannabis have changed over the first decade of the 21st century are concerning. Typical reports of the amount of THC and CDB in cannabis has been around 4% of each substance. In contrast, high potency strains of marijuana that have been developed more recently, such as sinsemilla, or skunk, are reported to contain 16-22% of THC, and less than 0.1% CBD. This might explain the recent increase in cannabis-related cases of psychosis.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Julius Caesar s Assassination On Rome, Politically And...
This investigation evaluates the question, to what extent did Julius Caesar s assassination affect Rome, politically and socially. Gaius Julius Caesar, famously known for his brilliant military strategies and shrewd political expertise, helped transform the Roman Republic into one of the greatest civilization in the western world. During his reign, Julius Ceasar expanded Romeââ¬â¢s geographical territory across Ancient Europe immensely, conquering areas of present-day France and Britain. The investigation will primarily focus on the political opportunities created by Caesar s death, as well as the public reaction, from the immediate ramifications to its long-term effect on the Roman government. Effects in foreign and other civilizations not directly involved with Roman affairs or within Rome will not included in the investigation. Sources for the investigation will include The Emperors of Rome by David Potter and the Ancient History Encyclopedia . Julius Caesarââ¬â¢s military success gain him popularity among the common people Kings in Roman culture were disliked In 46 BC, Caesar gave himself the title of ââ¬ËPrefect of Moralsââ¬â¢, giving him the ability to hold censorial powers without being affected by them ââ¬Å"Dictatorship was always regarded a temporary position but in 44 BC, Caesar took it for lifeâ⬠Before Ceasar, the Roman Republic was in a state of rapid decline Caesar used his position to carry out much-need reform and relieved debt Caesar s autocratic attitude to power,
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Bullying Essay - 739 Words
Bullying mentally and physically affects peoples well being. This abuse occurs not only in schools around us, but also worldwide. Bullying is a problem, and people need to figure out ways to solve it. There are a lot of different types of bullying: such as, cyber, verbal, social, and physical. Every year nearly 48% of students are bullied. Bullying itself cannot be resolved, but there are ways to help prevent it from happening. High School bullying is very common, and causes a lot of conflicts with fellow students and also teachers. In todayââ¬â¢s society individuals think it is ok to just take their feelings out on others through a series of different ways. Bullying is an individuals way of feeling better about themself. This has been oneâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦I first hand have witnessed someone that was bullied to her breaking point. Her and I were friends, she always seemed happy and never seemed to be worried about what people thought about her. She had one bad day in particular that she had told me everything about her bullies and I informed her that I would be there for her more. A week later she was gone. It is real, bullying has real effects on people that takes them to the point of wanting to end their lives. In todays society bullying is just another thing, but it is a major problem and should not be forgotten about. How help someone being bullied? If it is witnessed, tell an adult, stand up to the bully. Individuals being bullied should have someone to talk to, and the people bullying them should be disciplined.There should be harsher punishments for those who victimize others. Although, I believe there should be help involved for them too. Not only are they bullying, but there more or less is a reason they are doing it. The bullies as well should have someone to talk to, someone to reassure them that everything will be okay for them too. 90% of the time an individual that physically or mentally abuses someone is either down on themselves, has a hard time at home, or is jealous of the individual they harass. People need to stick up for the adolescents in these situations, offer them some kind of support. Bullying is a very common thing in high schools, and affects teenage individuals bothShow MoreRelatedArgumentative Essay : Bullying And Bullying756 Words à |à 4 PagesRita Bullock July 3, 2015 Essay on Bullying In 2-3 pages, according to the Dignity for All Act, what is the legal responsibility of the teacher and the school when a student claims that he or she is being harassed, intimidated, or discriminated by another student(s)? What happens to a student who bullies, and what happens to the victim? School bullying can occur during every stage of development from Kindergarten through High school. Students suffer harmful effects when they are emotionallyRead MoreBullying Essay631 Words à |à 3 PagesDiana Vanessa Alba Writing Level 5 Cause and Effect Essay BULLYING IS TAKING OUR CHILDREN LIVES Have you ever bullied or been bullied? Bullying behavior can occur for many reasons, some of which are TV violence, families in poverty, mis-teachings, lack of parentââ¬â¢s attention and also kids under bad influence. Teens often begin bullying because they want to control those who are weaker than they are. Bullying gives you people an identity, they become well known in school, they want to be popularRead MoreEssay on Bullying In America989 Words à |à 4 PagesBullying is an act that is an everyday occurrence in some peopleââ¬â¢s lives. Bullying can be direct or indirect. What this means, is that bullying can be in the form of violence such as hitting and kicking or in the form of verbal abuse such as name calling and teasing. Manipulation and exclusion are also forms of bullying. Bullying can be taken into consideration as a minor assault but any form should be taken seriously. Whether it is taken to an extreme, done over a long or short period of time, orRead MoreEssay Bullying1404 Words à |à 6 PagesBullying What is bullying? We might have seen it every day, and we still do not know what it is. In the short story ââ¬Å"Black Boy,â⬠Richard Wright shows how he was bullied as a young African American boy. However, bullying is not limited to one type of person living in one time period. It still exists today in the form of young people getting bullied on the streets, and at school. It could be very harmful, and could lead to serious damages, but sometimes it could helpà by making people standà up forRead More Bullying Essay567 Words à |à 3 PagesBullying Bullying has been a growing problem in the world but more prominently has this become an issue in America. In Ann Hulberts article ââ¬Å"Elephant in the Roomâ⬠of Slate Magazine, she takes a position regarding anti-bullying programs that are being made to reduce this crisis. The way parents, teachers and victims have dealt with bullies has generally been a step in the wrong direction. We have always been told to ignore people that do not respect you, when really the problem is that theseRead Morebullying Essay794 Words à |à 4 Pagesï » ¿1. What is the main idea presented in Lee Tunstalls article? (2marks) The main idea in Lee Tunstalls article is how bullying impacts our society. Tunstall given information on bullying in school, cyberbullying and in the workplace. Lee Tunstall explains how important bullying is as a crime and how people are constantly affected by bullying. 2. Overall, is Lee Tunstalls article biased? If you think it is, describe how you know they are biased. If you think it isnt, describe how Tunstall avoidsRead MoreBullying Essay876 Words à |à 4 PagesEffects of Bullying Bullying has sustained as a significant issue in both adolescence and adulthood. To some, it can lead to depression while others may have the mental capacity to tolerate the issue and overcome the challenge. The problem regarding harassment arises from the fact that some individuals have no understanding of the different forms of victimization. Mostly, a person does not know what he or she is putting others through when they call them names intentionally or unintentionally.Read MorePersuasive Essay On Bullying1374 Words à |à 6 PagesESSAY ON BULLYING I stood up and I watched the people eyes filled with tears and the environment impregnated with cry of mothers, fathers, cousins and relatives while I looked in awe and shamed, this was the same guy that tried to start a conversation with me three weeks ago that I ignored because other people labeled him a wanker and a weirdo. I had nothing against him after all its not a crime to be selective in choosing oneââ¬â¢s friends so why should I neglect that moral logic and principle and moreoverRead MoreBullying Argumentative essay970 Words à |à 4 PagesWriting Argumentative Essay 25 November 2013 Bullying Have you ever seen or experienced bullying and the dramatic effects it has on its victims? Unfortunately nine out of every ten students have experienced bullying in school or online. Many people believe that bullying is a part of growing up and kids do not know any better. Bullies are intentionally causing mental and or physical damage to their victims, which will affect them for the rest of their lives. Bullying has shown that it canRead MoreBullying Essay804 Words à |à 4 PagesBullying 1. Bullying is constant harassment that is either physical, mental, cyber or social bullying. An example of physical bullying is if someone consistently hits you such as if every day at school they hit you that can be classed as physical bullying. A form of mental or emotional bullying is if someone calls you names and is derogatory towards you. These words will make you sad and possibly feel unwanted. Cyber bullying is when someone messages you things either on your phone or some messaging
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
My Trip On North Carolina State University - 1107 Words
As I sat in the passenger seat of a truck that usually brought me so much joy, I was overcome with sadness. North Carolina State University was the destination, and in the eyes of my family, it was the best day of my life. The tour was booked months in advance, and the most dreaded day in the summer before my senior year had finally arrived. Instead of the usual conversation with my grandpa, the three and a half hour drive from Whiteville, North Carolina to Raleigh was filled with an emptiness, as we sat in silence. I received many sweet good luck texts and smiley faces from my mom and aunts. I knew they were only being so nice because I was exactly where they wanted me, which filled me with so much confusion. I was frustrated with myâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬Å"You have to do whatââ¬â¢s best for you, and follow where God leads you, but Iââ¬â¢ll miss you so muchâ⬠he would say to me each time I brought it up. I would sit on a stool beside his recliner, and hold hi s hand in silence as I pondered the idea of moving. It was a hard decision for me, because, at the time I didnââ¬â¢t even have an idea for college. All I knew was that I wanted to move. I had a yearning in my heart to be in a bigger city. Being blinded by opportunity, made it seem that everyone else only saw the bad. During the second half of my senior year, I was living life as an early graduate. I had completed everything I needed for my diploma, and I was saving up tips while working at a local Mexican restaurant. It was there that I discovered my passion for not only the Spanish language, but also hospitality. I began to discover a possible idea for my future. It was also there that I received a text saying my decision letter from NC state had arrived. Bored from the lack of guests and the dreadfully slow lunch shift, I decided to act over joyed so my manager would let me go home. ââ¬Å"Good luck, chaleca!â⬠Adam, my manager yelled to me. Itââ¬â¢s funny because Chaleca is the Spanish word for vest. I never knew why that was his nickname of choice for everyone. When I arrived home, I decided to open the letter quietly before my mother noticed I was in the door. As I wished, it was a denial letter. My mom came running in, and when I told her the news, she recommended I go to the
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Practical Approach to Intelligent Analysis - Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss about thePractical Approach to Intelligent Analysis. Answer: Project Stakeholders Food is a basic necessity for each person making it among the most popular business ideas among young entrepreneur. With the recent increase in demand for Asian cuisine the business project theme shall be organizing a Asian Food Festival which shall be held at the University of Sussex. The key stakeholders would be the University of Sussex staff and students, local businesses as well as the neighboring community. To maximize the success and attendance at the Asia food festival a detailed communication plan shall be developed which covers all forms of media communication which will ensure the maximum number of people are informed regarding the food festival. The demand for Asia cuisine is on the rise globally thus this theme and idea has been adopted to influence stakeholders as it is likely to attract investor attention due to the high number of consumers likely to attend the food festival. This will help attract investors as well as increase turn over ad profits. The core project team is made up of the TAJ, University of Sussex ad Chinese supermarket (UKCN). Each stakeholder will make a different contribution towards the food festival with students playing the role of markets to maximize the number of customers and income generated from the project. This will also offer an important practical experience which will contribute towards their future understanding The project champion is Lorde, she has been selected due to her vast experience and knowledge related to business proposal analysis and planning(Lester, 2017). She has also achieved converting over 1 million sales of previous projects making her the best candidate to spearhead the Asia food festival at the University of Sussex. Risk Management The food and beverage industry has been identified as beg among the highest demanded businesses globally but at the same time, the proposed idea also attracts major risks which require being understood so as for mitigation plans to be developed. Some major risks involved with the proposed business idea involve spoilage and lack of adequate consumers leading to low turnover and losses due to the proposed food festival being held at the University of Sussex which is otherwise viewed as an educational situation. This makes it important to develop effective communication plans which will utilize different forms of media which thus helping maximize the number of people receive the updates related to the food festival being held at the university. This will increase the customers attending the festival thus helping the organizers and stake holders surplus the proposed project breakeven point and generate profits from the project(Kenett Raanan, 2011). Its also important for the organizers to develop an effective food preparation and plan which would cater to delivering -/+15% of the desired food quantity during the proposed festival thus helping reduce the losses the project may incur with regard to food wastage. This will require careful analysis ad integral team and stakeholder communication to ensure the raw materials are viable to cater to the customer expectation but are only utilized when required to reduce the amount of food wastage. Plan risk mitigation is also critical ad to achieve the best results the stakeholders will have to identify potential risk and utilize risk management ideas and tools to help reduce the types and severity of the risks. Understanding risks are the first and most important stage of risk management as it allows for the stakeholders to understand and as well as manage to impede risks which reduces the amount of risk the proposed businesses are likely to face. Successful project management required for a detailed report to be prepared on both the risks and benefits linked to a proposed projects thus allowing the stakeholders to put I place the desires countermeasures to eliminate or reduce the risks linked to the project. References: Kenett, R. S., Raanan, Y. (2011). Operational Risk Management: A Practical Approach to Intelligent Data Analysis. John Wiley Sons. Lester, A. (2017). Project Management, Planning and Control: Managing Engineering, Construction and Manufacturing Projects to PMI, APM and BSI Standards. Cambridge: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Monday, April 6, 2020
Gun Control Synthsis Paper Essays - Gun Politics, Gun Control
Gun Control Synthsis Paper When you mention gun control, many things come to mind. School shooting, the Brady Law, second amendment rights, and kids killing kids, these issues have prompted a controversy over guns and whether they are a menace to society. There are many types of guns and each contributes to crime differently. The smaller more easily concealed weapons, like handguns and sawed off shotguns are most likely to be used in crime. While the larger firearms, rifles, have a slightly lower reported incidence of crime. Crimes reported that involve an assault weapon such as the Uzi is virtually unheard of. Views on the subject of gun control range from one extreme, all guns are bad, to the other extreme that all existing laws should be revoked and every person should own a gun. In the discussion on gun control there are a few points that everyone argues about. Two of the most popular topics on gun control seem to be, do guns contribute to crime, and would tougher gun laws prevent gun fatalities? With all the different subjects discussed within the gun control controversy, the topic of how tougher laws would affect the death rate, associated with firearms, seems to be most common. Dennis Henigan believes that the laws need to be redirected toward better safety features on guns, to prevent some accidental shootings. Henigan also believes that the gun manufacturers should be liable for the lack of safety devices that could prevent accidental shootings. Morgan O. Reynolds and W.W. Caruth III believe, that the laws, proposed for the control of gun crime, would rase the price for purchasing a gun; but do little for preventing crime from being committed with them. According to Woody West, guns are responsible for the deaths of many people, some of which are innocent, but before we make new laws we should try enforcing the scores of laws already enacted, but not enforced. On the far end of the argument against controlling crime through banning guns sits David B. Kopel with his opini on that "banning guns to reduce crime makes as much sense as banning alcohol to reduce drunk driving." Moving from one extreme to the other, the Associated Press released an article that sites the Brady Law with saving more than nine thousand lives, and urges more stringent regulation of firearms. Many others such as Reynolds, Caruth, Kopel, and West, disagree that the Brady law saves any lives, or is of much good. Reynolds, Caruth disagree with the argument that laws such as the Brady Law, named for the late Jim Brady, is the answer to the onslaught of these violent crimes. "The Brady Bill would not have saved Jim Brady." As with other similar shootings, "the predator still could have legally obtained the weapon he used, because he had no previous felony record." According to Woody West, to find a story of a shooting tragedy, you don't have to look very long to find "television covering each as luridly as if it were the end of civilization as we know it." Dennis Henigan seems to express his own very strong opinion when he wrote, "the gun industry has a choice: It can continue business as usual, but only if it pays its fair share of the costs, or it can take the necessary and feasible steps to reduce the misuse of its products." While Henigan takes a very firm stand on the subject of how guns contribute to crime, Kopel takes a more haphazard approach, saying that there could be a relationship between guns and crime, but more studies are needed. The Associated Press also has a strong opinion of guns in relation to crime. "Statistics for the first five years of the Brady Law presents compelling evidence that the lives of more than 9,000 people were saved because guns were less available to criminals." Woody West seems to be the most confused and unsure of the impact of guns on our modern society, this is evident in his faint brush with the subject, in which he says that yes people are getting killed because someone has a gun, yes it is tragic, but the shootings are not of epidemic proportions. Research
Monday, March 9, 2020
Henry 2 essays
Henry 2 essays Henry II was the first of eight Plantagenet kings. He neither ignored his island kingdom nor dragged it into continental trouble. Along with Alfred, Edward I, and Elizabeth I, Henry II ranks as one of the best British monarchs. Henry II was born in Le Mans, France in 1133. Geoffrey Plantagenet, Count of Anjou, and Matilda, daughter of Henry I, were his parents. Henrys younger brothers were Geoffrey and William (Bingham 22; Tabuteau 185). Henrys father gave Henry the best education possible at that time. Peter of Saintes, who was a well-known poet, was Henrys first tutor. Adelard of Bath also taught Henry. William of Conches and Henrys other previous tutors instilled in Henry the appreciation for literature. Soon after Henry IIs education, he became Duke of Normandy. With the death of his father, Henry II became the Count of Anjou at age eighteen. Once he became Count of Anjou, Henry married Eleanor of Aquitaine on May 18, 1152, in the Cathedral of Poitiers. Their children were William, Henry, Matilda, Richard, Geoffrey, Eleanor, Joan, and John (Bingham 22; Henry 835-836; Tabuteau 185). Once Stephen, who was a well-known king, died, Henry II became lord of all land between the Pyrenees and Scotland (Henry 835). Henry had to deal with problems as soon as he became king. Once the Danish kingdoms established themselves in Ireland, the Danish colonists were at war with Irish people and the Irish people were at war with themselves. King Henry II realized he needed to stop all the chaos with a conquest of Ireland. In a few months, every part of Ireland except Connaught was under King Henry IIs control. The regions that the British controlled slowly dwindled away and soon vanished (Larned 114-115). Even though Henry II was a king, he did not resemble a king. He had a freckled face, gray eyes, and tawny hair. He also had a very short temper. At times, King Henry II would ...
Friday, February 21, 2020
Personal Mission Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Personal Mission Statement - Essay Example My goals and objectives in life are multifaceted and I believe I can achieve them all. The goal is to be successful in my personal life, professional life and become a better person in general. I am a single mother of a wonderful nine year old kid and I would like to be the best mother to my son. My son is my source of my personal happiness and I would like to provide him not only his material needs but also the love and support that would make him the best person he can be. I could not be more than happier to see that my son well taken-cared of and loved. I make sure that I spend quality time with him no matter how busy I am. Professionally, I would like to have a career in the future that is not only financially rewarding but also personally fulfilling as well. I would like to have a career in the future that touches peopleââ¬â¢s lives and that makes a difference in the community (no matter how small) that I am in. I also would like to have a career in the future that allows me to balance work with my personal life so that I will also have the time and energy to attend to my son. I also would like to contribute something to my community like engaging in some volunteer work to have the personal satisfaction that I made a difference. I believe that these goals can be achieved by following the guidelines set by Steven Coveyââ¬â¢s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. These habits include being proactive, begin the end in mind, put first things first, think win-win, seeking first to understand, then to be understood, synergize and sharpen the saw. These are simple rules or guidelines that enable an individual to become effective in the things that he or she does that would ultimately make him or her successful in whatever undertaking an individual may chose. Being proactive in the Seven Habits simply meant making the right decisions to become effective. In my case, to
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Waste Control of Medical Supplies in the Health Care Industry Research Paper
Waste Control of Medical Supplies in the Health Care Industry - Research Paper Example Various legal and clinical standards have been set forth in order to manage the disposal of hospital wastes. To some extent, these policies and standards have been relatively effective in managing hospital wastes. Improvements to these standards are still needed in order to ensure that hospital wastes are effectively managed and that risks to the general population in relation to such wastes are minimized. This paper shall discuss the current waste control of medical supplies in the health care industry. It shall also discuss the impact of ineffective waste management on hospitals and on disease management. It shall also consider the different possible improvements which can be made in the waste control and management of healthcare wastes. This paper is being conducted in the hope of establishing an academic and scholarly approach and answer to the topic on healthcare waste control. Discussion Most of the wastes from healthcare facilities can be considered regular solid municipal was te. However, some of these wastes need special attention ââ¬â these are sharps (needles, razors, scalpels), pathological wastes, infectious wastes, pharmaceutical wastes, biological wastes, and hazardous chemical wastes (Johannessen,, 2000). All in all, these wastes are referred to as special health care wastes. Wastes from isolation wards and microbiological laboratories also require special attention. The rest of the waste from healthcare facilities include packaging, reusable medical equipment, and secondary wastes created by disposal technologies (Johannessen,, 2000). Inappropriate and inadequate management of these products exposes people and the environment to health risks. Various healthcare workers, patients, waste handlers, and the general public are exposed to various health risks from these infectious wastes (most especially, the sharps), chemicals, and other hospital wastes (Johannessen,, 2000). And the exposure to these wastes is often seen with the improper handling by health workers. The WHO (1999) has successfully classified the different types of healthcare wastes and these include: communal waste and special wastes (infectious, anatomic, pharmaceutical, genotoxic, chemical, heavy metals, pressurized containers, and radioactive materials). Communal wastes are all solid wastes which are not infectious, chemical or radioactive. These can specifically include packaging materials and office supplies. These wastes can generally be disposed of in communal landfills or similar arrangements (WHO, 1999). Segregation and recycling applies to these wastes. Special wastes on the other hand are classified into various categories and are not in any way classified for communal landfills. Infectious wastes are wastes from humans or animals which can potentially transmit infectious diseases to humans (WHO, 1999). These wastes include those which are discarded from equipment during diagnosis, treatment, and prevention stage of the disea ses or the assessment of the patient during which contact with blood, tissues, saliva and other patient derivatives may have been seen. Such wastes include: cultures and stocks, tissues, dressings, swabs, items soaked in blood, syringe needles, scalpels, diapers, blood bags, and similar items (WHO, 1999). All sharps regardless of usage by infected patient or not, is considered under infectious wastes. Other
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Theoretical Mass of Ethyl-p Aminohenzoic Acid | Experiment
Theoretical Mass of Ethyl-p Aminohenzoic Acid | Experiment The yield obtained through this experiment is 63 of the theoretical mass of ethyl-p aminohenzoic acid. There are few events that could be improved in order to issue the amount of yield obtained. First of all, the quality of reagent used is relatively small to acquire a good percentage of the product. In order for a greater percentage yield to be attainted this experiment, a great amount of reagent should be used. Beside s, that the product is transferred into too many containers repeatedly. This causes a lost in product between the transfers. Therefore, fewer transfer of product should be done in this experiment to obtain higher percentage of yield. Moreover,. Even though it was only a small portion, it is still decrease the amount of purified yield obtained.. Furthermore, more precautions should be taken while performing recrystallization such as adding as little methanol as possible. The yield can be improved by maximizing the formation of crystals. More crystals can be formed by s cratching the bottom of the Erlenmeyer flask with a glass rod and adding a crystals seed into the solution. To add on, it should be given enough time for crystals to be found while the flask is placed in the ice water bath. Through this, more yields can be acquired. What is the advantage of using absolute ethanol rather than using 95% ethanol in this experiment? If the 95% ethanol was used the little amount of water present in the diluted ethanol can prevent ester formation. This is because easter the presence of water could drive the reaction to the left. i.e. instead of acids becoming esters from the Alkyl group, the esters can become acids because of the hydrogen from the water. Therefore, the use of absolute ethanol is preferred which will drive the reaction to right, rather than using any forms of diluted ethanol that could only negatively influence reaction for ester formation. Why it is important to add the sulfuric acid drop wise to the ethanolic solution of p-aminobenzoic acid? Sulfuric acid has been proven to be the most efficient catalyst for esterification. Water is a product of the esterification reaction, where increase in water quantity would the reverse reaction and decrease the yield of the reaction. But when the reaction is performed in the presence of a concentrated sulfuric acid (hydrophyllic), it will perform as a dehydration agent that will absorb the water molecules by produced from the reaction. So in the presence of a sulfuric acid catalyst, the reaction will be driven towards the right side, which is preferable to yield more ester. The reason for adding this concentric acid in drop wise is mainly to avoid the extreme reaction of the acid with the water. Because, if excessive water was produced from the ethanolic solution of p-aminobenzoic acid, the sudden addition of large quantity of concentrated sulfuric acid could lead to extreme reaction with this excessive water, and result to a large amount of heat(exothermic). This is not safe and harmful in particular due to the use of concentrated sulphuric acid. In contrast, if acid was added as drops, the reaction will be still happening in the solution though will be limited only to a smaller extent. Therefore such procedure is preferable to maintain better control. Another advantage of using drop wise adding of the acid would permit us to control the acidity of the final resultant. Because, if the acid content is increased in the final solution the subsequent neutralization process happens in the presence of an alkaline would lead to an extreme reaction. Therefore adding drop wise acid is essential to control the acidity of the solution, so the stability of the reaction can be maintained throughout. The structure of the solid formed when the concentrated sulphuric acid is added to the solution of p-aminobenzoic acid Fischer esterification mechanism Why it is important that all of the solids dissolve during the reflux period for a good yield of product? The solid precipitate after cooling down could be unreached benzoic acid. i.e, not all the solvents are participated in the reaction to produce Benzocaine. This could happen if the amount of the ethanol is too low. But most of occasions this will be mainly due to the lack reaction between the available methanol. This can be however avoided by stirring the mixture to swift the reaction. Thus, in order to get good yield of ester, all the precipitants of the mixture have to be dissolved in the first place. However, this is not possible in most of the occasions. Why is it important to neutralize the reaction mixture during the work-up When acid is added to the reaction mixture after refluxing, the amino group is protonated, making it soluble in water. When the Na2CO3 is added, the proton is removed and makes the benzocaine is no longer soluble. Thus it begins to precipitate out of solution when the reaction mixture is neutralized. Thus it is important neutralize the moisture in order to filter out the ester from the mixture, which otherwise will be in a dissolved state hence would not be recoverable. Assuming it was necessary to add an additional portion of concentrated sulfuric acid, calculate about how much 10% aqueous sodium carbonate would be required to neutralize the reaction mixture. While the experiment 28.6 ml of sodium carbonate need to neutralized the 18M sulfuric acid. So the add of the other potion 0.5 ml of sulfuric acid What is the gas evolved during the neutralization? In presence of sulfuric acid p-amino benzoic acid reacts with ethanol to form ethyl p-aminobenzoate. The reaction medium contains the sulfuric acid and this was neutralized with sodium bicarbonate. Thus the gas evolved during the reaction between the acid and base is carbon dioxide (CO2).
Monday, January 20, 2020
Brown versus Board of Education Essay -- Race Segregation
Imagine that your walk to school lasts longer that sixty minutes even though a school is five minutes away. When you finally get there, you enter a shack with makeshift tables and a dirt floor. You do not get paper or writing utensils and you surely do not get good books. Your teacher, who did not even finish her education, hands you a book that another school determined outdated and tossed away. But on one glorious day, May 17, 1954, a promise of change is made. The Supreme Court gave you the right to attend that school at the end of your block, a previously designated white school (Rodgers 1). The next day you and your parents wear nice clothes and walk down the street to the school to enroll for the following school year. You get there and stand proud of yourself and of your new school as you move towards the Deanââ¬â¢s office. You are confronted with terrifying looks of disgust from your white counterparts as they deny you admission based on the color of your skin. Un fortunately, for many African Americans, this was a reality in the years following the Brown versus Board of Education decision (Stephan 19). Although we have made considerable progress since then, our job is far from finished. When examining statistics on testing scores, the quality of schools with African Americans making the majority, on housing segregation and white flight, it quickly becomes apparent that whites and blacks have different numbers. This is due primarily to the ongoing perspective that black people are inferior to them dating back to the pre-emancipation period. Even at the fiftieth anniversary of the infamous Brown versus Board of Education decision, discrepancies between the races remain prevalent. Oliver L. Brown painstakingly wat... ...earch/reseg04/brown50.pdf>. Orfield, Gary, Daniel Iosen, Johanna Wald, and Christopher B. Swanson. ââ¬Å"Losing our Future: How Minority Youths are being Left Behind by the Graduation Rate Crisis.â⬠The Civil Rights Project. 25 Feb. 2004 . Rogers, Frederick A. The Black High School and Its Community. Massachusetts: Lexington Books, 1975. Stephan, Walter G., and Joe R. Feagin, eds. School Desegregation: Past, Present, and Future. New York: Plenum Press, 1980. Toppo, Greg. ââ¬Å"Integrated Schools Still a Dream 50 Years Later.â⬠USA Today 28 Apr. 2004. United States. Bureau of the Census. Historical Income Tables. Washington: GPO, 2001. Yamasaki, Mitch. ââ¬Å"Using Rock ââ¬ËNââ¬â¢ Roll to Teach the History of Post-World War II America.â⬠The History Teacher 29.2 (1996): 179-193.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Pttls Unit 1
1. Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to own role and responsibilities The key legal and regulatory requirements relating to my role as a teacher are:- â⬠¢ Children Act (2004) ââ¬â Every child matters â⬠¢ Copyright, Designs & Patents Act (1988) â⬠¢ Data Protection Act (1998 amended 2003) â⬠¢ Equality Act (2010) â⬠¢ Freedom of Information Act (2000) â⬠¢ Health & Safety at Work Act (1974) â⬠¢ Human Rights Act (1998) Protection of Children Act (1999) â⬠¢ Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006) There will be Codes of Practice, either generic or specific, that will need to be followed such as the Code of Professional Practice (2008) introduced by the Institute for Learning. 2. Explain own responsibilities for promoting equality and valuing diversity It is important that students are able to attend, and participate in their choice of course or learning event, for it to be accessible on equal ter ms.To support this ideal, I must adhere to the equal opportunity legislation in place, which ensures that learners are not discriminated against in terms of age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, pregnancy or maternity, religious or other belief, marriage, civil partnership or gender reassignment. Whilst this is an ideal situation we are not able to treat everyone exactly the same. It is important to understand the needs of learners so that we can give them the best experience in the learning environment.If I have a student who uses a wheelchair, then I must ensure that access to the learning venue is suitable and that any portable ramps etc are available. Where I have students that are from diverse cultural backgrounds I should encourage an environment where differing opinions are respected and prejudice or stereotyping are challenged. Where further support is required by a learner, it should be offered 3. Explain own role and responsibilities in lifelong learning First ly, I need to identify the needs of the organisation, individuals and me personally.I will ensure that any forms are easy to complete and cater for different languages or print size and are available in hard copy or electronically. I will need to make an initial assessment of the needs of learners and agree learning plans. I need to prepare a scheme of work to include session plans, learning materials to meet the needs of the syllabus and liaise with other interested parties. I will need to facilitate learning using a variety of approaches including formulating ground rules, record keeping, incorporating different teaching and learning materials and even knowing who and where the nominated first aider is.I will need to assess the learning, ensuring that the awarding body rules are met. I must ensure that relevant documentation is completed and kept safe and confidential. I will need to check the students lerning outcomes have been met and that they have gained the necessary skills a nd knowledge. I need to evaluate my teaching experience by obtaining feedback from others. I can obtain this from the student, awarding body and organisation I am working for.I will also evaluate my own work in order to make improvements to my teaching ability and the learning experience. 4. Explain own role and responsibilities in identifying and meeting the needs of the learners I can identify the learners needs at the application stage, by interview, questionnaire, or at a student 1to1 session, or at the beginning of the session or programme. I must give clear guidance on the process and information to ensure the course meats their personal learning needs. Once I have the information this will help me with my planning.I need to ascertain the required learning support (help with ITC, numeracy, literacy), or student support (help with personal issues, general guidance or advice), and again use the information in my planning and course execution. 2. 1Explain the boundaries between t he teaching role and other professional roles It is important to understand where my role as a teacher ends and where I need to involve other professionals. These might include Heads of Dept, H&S officers, technicians, support workers or admin staff. Within the ACO I may need to refer to parents/guardians Wing, Region or Head Quarters specialists.I, for instance as a teacher am not qualified to repair a broken plug socket so I would refer to an electrician, similarly I am not a social worker therefore any issues that are of a personal nature (to the student)I would pass over to the relevant specialist rather than trying to deal with it myself, potentially causing more harm. 2. 2Describe points of referral to meet the needs of learners It is possible that I will encounter students with a variety of degrees of needs so I need to remain impartial and sensitive to individual situations. I will not be able to deal with every situation that arises.I must be aware of where I can refer stud ents for help both within and externally to the organisation. Below is a table containing example points of referral. |INTERNAL |EXTERNAL | |accommodation officers |awarding organisations | |careers advisers |banks or building societies | |colleagues carers | |Counsellors |charities | |examination officers |childcare agencies | |financial services staff |Citizens Advice Bureau | |first-aiders |employers | |health and welfare officers |health centre. , slimming clubs, general | |information , advice and guidance staff |practitioners, hospitals | |interpreters |Job Centre Plus | |learning support staff |motoring and transport organisations | |mentors |police | |student support staff |telephone help-lines and agencies such as abuse, alcohol, bereavement support, | |student union representatives |Childline, Crimestoppers, debt, drug, lesbian and gay switchboard, gambling, | |teachers |NHS Direct , parentline, Samaritans, victim support | | |websites which are relevant | Table from ââ¬ËPreparing to Teach in the Life Long Learning Sectorââ¬â¢ by Ann Gravells ââ¬â Pg 53 2. 3Summarise own responsibilities in relation to other professionals My main responsibility is to my students, however I need to be aware of the impact my actions will have on other groups or individuals. I will need to be conscious of how I work with other managers on site as well as my peers, with awarding bodies including internal and external verifiers & Ofsted inspectors and other external agencies. Within the Air Cadet Organisation (ACO). I will also have responsibilities with regard to parents/ guardians and other members of the ACO. I must remain professional and not exceed my role boundaries 3. Explain own responsibilities in maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment It is imperative that the environment is safe. The room or area for teaching must be large enough to support the activities being undertaken and the number of people involved. A risk assessment s hould be carried out to highlight and eliminate (so far is practicable) any potential dangers. Consideration must be given to lighting, heating, ventilation and toilet facilities to ensure the comfort of learners and teaching staff. I must inform the group regarding procedures for housekeeping, and emergency evacuation. 3. 2Explain ways to promote appropriate behavior and respect othersI would establish with the group some ground rules both for the learners and myself to promote the appropriate safety, behaviour and respect of everyone. It is important that these rules are negotiated and agreed with the group. These rules can be reviewed and changed as the course progresses as needed. For the group ââ¬â what they should expect from each other, things like courtesy, respecting others views etc. For myself ââ¬â What the learners can expect from me. Some rules may be imposed ââ¬â health and safety, no smoking, no anti-social behavior. Some more negotiable ââ¬â standard of dress, break timings, turning off mobile phones. Reference Book Preparing to Teach in the Life Long Learning Sectorââ¬â¢ by Ann Gravells
Friday, January 3, 2020
ADHD Impact on family Essay - 698 Words
The Impact on the Family After reading the articles Driven to Distraction and Lost in Translation, both from Todayââ¬â¢s Parent magazine, I have learned many new things. I learned that it is sometimes not very easy to pick out a child with ADHD, even if it is your own child. It could take years to discover that a child has ADHD. It can be easily detected once the child has entered elementary school. One of the signs of ADHD is falling behind in school, or acting up and not being able to pay attention for long periods of time. This causes frustration for the child, the parents, teachers and the other students in the classroom. It is difficult for parents because they do not want to believe that their child has a disability. It is even harderâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦She struggled in school and was always known as the problem child. She did not have many friends, and she was never really welcomed in extracurricular activities. She once cried to her school principle because she wanted to be sterilized ( isolated) from the other children so she could concentrate on her school work. Today, Amber gives talks to high school and university students about what it was like growing up hyperactive. Her stories are emotional and she still hasnââ¬â¢t dealt with a lot of the rejection and anger. She has not outgrown her hyperactivity but she has learned how to control it. In the article, The Gift of ADHD? a boy named Sam grew up thinking he was a failure and that he was stupid. But now at age 24 he is a partner in a real-estate firm. He states that the key to his success is his ADHD. There is a controversial point that some of the symptoms of ADHD actually have flip sides that strengthen creativity, energy and intuition. Many criminals have ADHD as well as successful artists and CEOââ¬â¢s. The difficult thing is learning how to control the disorder and whether you let it become a gift or a curse. Understanding ADHD nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The article, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, describes almost anything you would want to know or need to know about ADHD. After reading this article I have learned that ADHD is a neurobiological disorder that affects 3 to 7 percent of school-aged children. It is now aShow MoreRelatedAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )1495 Words à |à 6 Pageshyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD is a neuro-development disorder and can start as early as three years old throughout adulthood. People with ADHD have trouble focusing on tasks and activities, this can have a negative impact on the individual in different ways. It can make the child feel alone, incompetent, and powerless and those that donââ¬â¢t understand this behavior only intensified their struggle. Family and schools have a major impact on the life of a child suffering with ADHD. Parents who are helpfulRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )948 Words à |à 4 Pagest heir lives which impacts them everyday. All three of the celebrities have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. ADHD is a mental disorder which affects millions of people from all ages. It affects the brain and typically includes attention difficulty, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness. Typically beginning in childhood, ADHD can last a lifetime. Notably, boys are more than twice as likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than girls. Unfortunately, there is no cure for the disorder. ADHD contributes toRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd ) Essay1623 Words à |à 7 PagesAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has made a negative impact a strong among the younger population. Those who classify as having ADHD are often seen as being disruptive, distracting during class and unable to pay attention. This behavior will not only impact the child, but as well as the family of the child, their peers and along with other factors too. For those in various settings, those donââ¬â¢t often realize the main causes of what indicates certain behaviors in the classroom and other locationsRead MoreWhat Is Genetic Influences And Risk Factors1130 Words à |à 5 PagesGenetic Influences and Risk Factors A number of quantitative genetic studies have been conducted to determine the genetic basis of the etiology of ADHD, resulting in the identification of multiple genes that are currently thought to be associated with the development of this disorder. Some of the associations made included the dopamine transporter gene (DAT1), dopamine receptor genes (DRD4) and (DRD5), serotonin 1B receptor gene (5HTR1B), the serotonin transporter promoter gene (5-HTTLPR) (Retz etRead MoreThe Effects Of Adhd On Children s Overall Development1318 Words à |à 6 PagesADHD has an effect on the childââ¬â¢s overall development. It doesnââ¬â¢t impact them as much as some disorders do, but it does take effect. It has no effect on their language and as far as my research shows, it has little or no effect on their self-help skills either, however it does effect the cognitive, and fine motor domains. About half of all the children who have ADHD also have a learning disability. ââ¬Å"Among the children w ho did not have a learning disability, children with ADHD had more learning problemsRead MoreWhat Is Adhd?. Adhd Stands For Attention Deficit Hyperactivity1564 Words à |à 7 PagesWhat is ADHD? ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is also called ADD for short. ADHD is a brain disorder marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention and hyperactivity that interferes with the everyday life of a person. This developmental impairment of the brainââ¬â¢s self-management system includes problems with motivation, focusing on tasks and monitoring emotions to fit any given environment (Frank). According to the article, ADHD by the Numbers: Facts, Statistics, and YouRead MoreEssay about Attention Deficit Disorder894 Words à |à 4 PagesHyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Justin Timberlake, Karina Smirnoff, Will Smith, Michael Phelps, Ty Pennington, Paris Hilton, Howie Mandel, and Bruce Jenner are among the eleven percent of Americans diagnosed with ADHD. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common disorders found in children, but it is sometimes found in adults too. ADHD is a problem of not being able to focus, being overactive, having uncontrollable behavior, or a combination of both of these. ADHD is a disorderRead MoreRhetorical Analysis : Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )912 Words à |à 4 PagesAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a serious neurodevelopment disorder that has affected an innumerable number of children and adults in the United States (Centers for disease Control and Prevention, 2013). It is one of the most common disorders that can cause difficulty at school and home and can also remain into adulthood. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)publishes a web page on ADHD to inform and persuade the public that ADHD is a condition that they should be concernedRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )1581 Words à |à 7 Pages Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), according to the textbook, is a lifelong neurological development disturbance that causes inattention and hyperactivity problems (Wicks-Nelson Israel, 2015, p. 217). Many of those who have ADHD also suffer from one or more type of learning disability, because their attention issues that inhibit their ability to focus on the materials being taught at the moment (McNamara, J. [October 19, 2016], Lecture #6, Brock University). According to the DiagnosticRead MoreAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( Adhd )1438 Words à |à 6 PagesIntroduction Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder also called (ADHD) is the most common complex behavioral disorder among children, affecting approximately 5% to 10% of the population worldwide (Rosenblum, Frisch, Deutsh- Castel, and Josman, 2015). The earliest age to get your child diagnosed is at age four. Many parents have children that are very active when they are toddler and in preschool, and automatically thing their child has ADHD when actually the child is just acting as a normal toddler and
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