Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Organizational Structure Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Organizational Structure - Research Paper Example In addition, the description of the purpose of the job allows the human resource manager of an organization to communicate the duties and responsibilities of the position during the hiring and development of employees. Moreover, applicants and employees seeking to develop in the job position are able to understand their scope and level of work as depicted by their job position by thoroughly examining the purpose of the job analysis. During the hiring and development of employees, the specific tasks that are involved in a certain job position should be precisely described in order to outwit ambiguity. Tasks should offer a meaningful and discrete unit of work activity that is carried out by a particular employee in a specified time. Tasks in a particular job position represent an assortment of methods, techniques and procedures required to complete a particular job. A job analysis that clearly describes its tasks allows individuals to apply for such position by presenting their competences, qualifications and abilities during the hiring process. The tasks outlined in the job analysis enables human resource manager in an organization to pinpoint any gap in an individual level thereby perpetuating career management to the employees, which eventually leads to employee development. Human resource managers are able to appraise their employees by accessing the results of the performance in the tasks mandated to a parti cular employee. Job analysis provides the required qualification for the job, which calls for the evaluation of education, knowledge, physical attributes and skills that may help the human resource manager in the selection procedures. In the hiring and employees development procedures, human resource managers establish the level of educational qualifications that are required in a particular job position. Most organization requires a university

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